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Services: Investment Management

It ain’t rocket science.

Actually, calculating all the variables that impact your portfolio
can be far more complex.

Which is why we implement a disciplined 6-step process.

The key to successful investing is successful planning. And while no one can predict the markets, the right investment approach can help balance risk versus return, ensuring that the trajectory of your investments matches the trajectory of your life. That’s why we plan (and re-plan) on a regular basis.

Our Process

Everyone has unique needs, so we've designed a process to develop investment strategies that are tailored to each of our clients. This approach unites your specific goals with our training, experience, and discipline to develop a framework for success:

  1. We document your goals and objectives in a written investment policy statement.
  2. We determine the appropriate asset allocation policy for your portfolio.
  3. We then design the appropriate mix of investment managers and/or index funds for your portfolio.
  4. We implement your portfolio, being sensitive to risk, cost, liquidity, and tax preferences.
  5. We monitor your portfolio and provide you with quarterly updates on performance or more frequently if immediate changes are advisable.
  6. We reassess your plan and the entire process at your annual review.